Alan Uren

Enhanced Project Efficiency & Schedule Accuracy: A Case Study of Campbell Page on Project Management

Campbell Page: Enhancing Project Efficiency in Disability Employment Services Implementation

"It was the smoothest project I had ever run. The schedule accuracy was critical in its success." Richard Verhagen


In July 2020, Campbell Page received notification of their successful tender to provide Disability Employment Services (DES) on behalf of the Australian Government. This significant contract covered four states: New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, and South Australia. The project's scope was extensive, requiring the establishment of 53 offices across these designated regions by July 1, 2021, when the contract was set to begin.

The Australian Government's initiative aimed to assist individuals with disabilities in finding meaningful employment. This involved providing funding for support services to help these individuals gain employment, establish relationships with employers, and offer information and support to those employers. Additionally, the program enabled employers to access existing government schemes that subsidized the wages of new employees recruited under the DES scheme.

Project Scope and Initial Challenges

Contract Requirements and Timeline

The DES contract mandated that Campbell Page establish 53 fully operational offices, including staffing and training, by June 30, 2021. This left a tight timeline of just one year from the tender acceptance to the full implementation of the project. The contract had an initial term of three years, emphasizing the long-term commitment and impact of this undertaking.

Initial Project Schedule

Upon receiving the successful tender, Campbell Page developed a project schedule consisting of two primary phases:

  1. The Design Phase: This phase was allocated from July 1, 2020, to December 2, 2020. It involved creating and endorsing all project blueprints.

  2. The Implementation Phase: Scheduled from December 3, 2020, to June 30, 2021, this phase focused on executing the endorsed blueprints.

Identified Concerns

As the project team delved deeper into the planning process, concerns arose regarding the existing schedule. It became apparent that the initial plan had primarily focused on the infrastructure components of the project. This approach potentially overlooked crucial tasks related to fulfilling all the requirements of the contract, particularly in areas of service delivery and operational readiness.

Improving Project Performance through Schedule Analysis

Recognizing the need for enhanced project efficiency, Campbell Page's project manager implemented a comprehensive project management tool for detailed schedule analysis. This strategic move aimed to improve project performance by thoroughly analyzing project timelines and identifying potential bottlenecks.

The adoption of sophisticated project management software allowed the team to create a more efficient project timeline. This tool was instrumental in increasing efficiency throughout the project lifecycle, from initial planning to final implementation.

By utilizing this advanced schedule analysis approach, the project team could:

  1. Identify potential delays early in the process

  2. Optimize resource allocation

  3. Enhance overall productivity

  4. Ensure more effective project delivery

This proactive stance in project management proved crucial in navigating the complexities of such a large-scale implementation.

Challenges in Project Efficiency for Large-Scale Implementation

The scale and complexity of the DES contract presented significant challenges in terms of project efficiency. The project scope, encompassing 53 locations across four states, demanded meticulous planning and execution.

Overlooked Tasks and Dependencies

As the team delved deeper into the project requirements, it became evident that the original project schedule had overlooked crucial tasks. This oversight posed a significant risk to the timely and successful completion of the project.

Collaboration and Communication

Project managers and team members recognized the need for enhanced collaboration to improve the efficiency of resource management and task management. They focused on achieving project goals while maintaining clear visibility into project progress.

Streamlining Project Execution

To address these challenges, the team explored various ways to improve project performance and streamline project execution. This involved reassessing the project plan, identifying gaps, and implementing more robust project management practices.

Implementing a Project Management Tool

To tackle the identified challenges and enhance overall project performance, Campbell Page made the strategic decision to adopt a more sophisticated project management software. This decision was pivotal in transforming their approach to project management.

Features and Benefits

The chosen project management tool offered several key features that proved invaluable:

  1. Clear goal setting and tracking

  2. Real-time progress monitoring

  3. Enhanced resource allocation

  4. Improved team collaboration

  5. Comprehensive reporting capabilities

Impact on Project Management Skills

By implementing this solution across every project, Campbell Page aimed to not only increase productivity but also to significantly improve the project management skills of their team. The tool provided a platform for continuous learning and improvement in project management practices.

Achieving Better Project Outcomes

The adoption of this tool marked a shift towards more data-driven decision-making in project management. It allowed for better anticipation of potential issues and more agile responses to challenges as they arose, ultimately leading to improved project outcomes.

Improving Project Efficiency through Pull Planning

Recognizing the need for expert intervention, Campbell Page engaged OverVue Planning Systems to provide specialized project recovery services. This partnership introduced innovative ways to improve project efficiency, particularly through the implementation of pull planning techniques.

OverVue's Unique Approach

OverVue's services included custom software that provided a unique Project Flow Diagram and a powerful alternative to traditional Gantt charts, known as 'Spatial Scheduling'. This visual and intuitive approach to project planning proved to be a game-changer for the Campbell Page team.

Pull Planning Implementation

The pull planning technique involved working backwards from the project's end goals. This approach allowed the team to:

  1. Identify critical path activities more effectively

  2. Uncover hidden dependencies between tasks

  3. Optimize the sequence of activities

  4. Allocate resources more efficiently

Uncovering Overlooked Elements

Through this process, the team made several crucial discoveries:

  1. They identified 30 major tasks that had not been included in the original schedule.

  2. Over 80 cross-dependencies between deliverables were uncovered, which had previously gone unnoticed.

These findings were pivotal in reshaping the project plan and ensuring a more comprehensive and realistic timeline.

Assessing Project Performance and Outcomes

Campbell Page implemented strong project management practices to continuously assess and improve project performance. This commitment to ongoing evaluation was crucial in ensuring the project remained on track and aligned with its objectives.

Regular Performance Reviews

The team conducted regular evaluations of project outcomes, allowing them to:

  1. Identify areas needing improvement

  2. Make necessary adjustments throughout the project stages

  3. Ensure alignment with project goals

  4. Maintain high levels of efficiency and productivity

Adaptive Management Approach

This adaptive approach to project management allowed Campbell Page to respond quickly to challenges and opportunities as they arose. It fostered a culture of continuous improvement within the project team, enhancing their overall project management capabilities.

Achieving Timely Implementation Despite Challenges

Despite the potential for delays in project timelines, particularly given the complexity of the undertaking and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Campbell Page team maintained a steadfast focus on timely project delivery.

Proactive Risk Management

By addressing poor resource management practices early and continuously improving efficiency, the team was able to mitigate risks effectively. This proactive approach was crucial in managing the impact on project success and ensuring that setbacks did not derail the overall timeline.

Flexibility and Resilience

The team demonstrated remarkable flexibility and resilience in the face of challenges. They adapted their working methods to accommodate COVID-19 restrictions while still maintaining productivity and progress towards project goals.

Results and Impact

The culmination of these efforts led to impressive results:

  1. All 53 offices were fully staffed and operational on the contract commencement date of July 1, 2021.

  2. This achievement was realized despite the entire project being conducted under COVID-19 restrictions.

  3. Beneficiaries of the Disability Employment Scheme were successfully being trained and supported as they took up full and part-time positions.

The project's success demonstrated the critical importance of enhanced project efficiency and the value of implementing the right project management tools and practices. It showcased Campbell Page's ability to handle large-scale, complex projects and deliver meaningful outcomes in challenging circumstances.

This case study serves as a testament to the power of innovative project management approaches, the importance of thorough planning and analysis, and the impact of adaptive, data-driven decision-making in project execution.

To learn more about our pull planning and scheduling services, contact us here!

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