Alan Uren

Effective Budget Planning Solutions on AIMS

Project Scheduling Experts for AIMS SeaSim Upgrade

Saving the Great Barrier Reef is a monumental challenge. We’re honoured to have played a part with AIMS.

Scheduling Service - Project Overview

SeaSim Facility Background

The Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) was upgrading its Sea Simulator (SeaSim) facility. This complex construction project scheduling task involved expanding and enhancing the scientific area, along with the construction of two new Research Vessels. This meant that the outbuildings would need to be converted to temporary offices for SeaSim admin and technical staff.

Funding Uncertainty Challenge 

The project faced uncertainty regarding funding for the 2023 budget year, necessitating the development of two possible scenarios. This required expert MS Project consultants to create a flexible project planning and scheduling approach.

Solution Implementation

Dual Schedule Development

Having identified that the SeaSim project would have two possible ways forward once the funding for the 2023 budget year was finalized, it was necessary to create two separate schedules. Both schedules were developed using Spatial Scheduling applied through our unique software, OverVue, which offered features beyond standard MS Project scheduling services.

OverVue Software Utilization

Firstly, it was necessary to validate the current project and identify exactly which project deliverables would be affected if funding was delayed. Then we took the existing project from MS Project and recreated it within OverVue. We copied the file and labeled them '2023 Budget' and '2024 Budget'. This process allowed for more efficient project controls and scheduling.

2023 Budget Schedule Creation

The 2023 Budget schedule was then created by confirming the expected date that the SeaSim scientific area was due to be fully operational. Working back from that date, our scheduling team identified where necessary changes needed to be made to the existing schedule. These changes included replacing sequential dependency links with parallel links when applicable, a technique known as fast-tracking in the critical path method.

2024 Budget Schedule Adaptation

The 2024 schedule used the same approach, however it needed to incorporate the expansion in scope in the affected deliverables. This included converting the outbuildings to temporary administration facilities and relocating the workshop and storage areas. This also included replacing sequential dependency links with parallel links when applicable. The scheduling experts ensured that the project's scope and schedule were carefully balanced.

Project Outcomes From Scheduling Consultants

Alternative Plan Generation

The team created two detailed alternative project plans. These were then saved as CSV files and incorporated into two separate Microsoft Project files. Regardless of the funding outcome from the May 2023 budget, the SeaSim upgrade project was equipped to proceed without interruption of either 'possibility' plan. This approach demonstrated how what-if scenario planning allows a project manager to respond effectively to uncertainties.

Efficiency in the Planning Process 

The collective experience of the team, with Wayne's guidance, produced two effective and realistic 'possibility' plans. OverVue's graphical clarity and ease of use played an important role, including the building of team consensus. The overall time required to analyze the original project plan and develop the two new project plans took 2 1/2 days to complete. This efficiency showcased how modern and up-to-date software can streamline the scheduling process.

Project Scheduling Service - Key Takeaways

Leveraging Project Scheduling Services 

The project scheduling services provided a powerful yet simple set of processes and tools to handle complex challenges. Spatial Scheduling and OverVue's unique project flow diagram enabled the team to effectively address the requirement for two new plans. This demonstrated the value of having scheduling consultants to manage and optimize complex projects.

Technology-Driven Project Management

The team's expertise and experience, along with the software's capabilities, allowed for a quick turnaround time and ensured that the project was given the best opportunity to succeed despite the possibility of a serious reduction in funding. This showcased how MS Project scheduling software, when used by skilled consultants, can significantly improve project management outcomes.

Proactive Planning Benefits

This case is an important example of how technology and project scheduling processes can be leveraged to effectively manage significant project scope changes and ensure successful project delivery. It is one of several strategies for project success, highlighting how proactive and forensic consulting services can prevent cost overruns during MS Project implementation.


Successful Funding Outcome Update - AIMS did receive complete funding for the project in the 2023 budget. This positive result validated the importance of preparing for multiple scenarios in project planning.

Value of Preparedness in Project Scheduling

The case study demonstrates that it's better to have planned ahead than to have guessed incorrectly. It underscores how effective project delivery relies on thorough planning, expert scheduling, and the right tools to manage complex, multi-functional projects.

To learn more about our project planning & scheduling services, contact us here!


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OverVue's circular logo with a gradient background transitioning from pink at the bottom to blue at the top. The logo features a series of intersecting black lines forming geometric shapes within the circle, symbolizing intricate project planning and scheduling.
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